1 Credit Card Is Not Enough
Many individuals make the common error of relying on a single credit card while attempting to establish their credit. They frequently find themselves puzzled as to why their credit score hovers in the low 700s, despite having no credit card debt. The underlying issue is a lack of sufficient credit history. A significant component of your credit score derives from your payment history, and it becomes increasingly challenging to cultivate this with only one account. To create a robust credit profile, it's essential to have at least five to six accounts that report monthly payments. By doing so, you'll accumulate the necessary points from both payment history and a diverse credit mix, laying a strong foundation for your financial future. If you're eager to discover the most effective strategies for enhancing your credit and securing your financial success, don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation at [email protected]. Your future self will express gratitude for taking this vital step.
0:00 : Setting up the stream…
10:00 : We live on all platforms!!🔥
15:00 : Follow Myron on IG - https://www.instagram.com/_unplugfit/
16:30 : Topic #1 - Girl from Afterhours (Lady SB) gets arrested for human tr@ff!ck!ng
19:00 : 80% of Female rappers are talentless 👎
21:00 : Most Frenchie sellers are just Scammers & criminals
25:00 : Dancers are basically s3x workers
27:00 : No Jumper Interview…Exposing her Frenchie business
34:00 : Sharpe calls her out
36:00 : Video - Lady SB arrested in Human Trafficking charges
38:30 : Official Article on the arrest
40:00 : Myron gives his stance
44:00 : 2020 lockdown & the explosion of population in Miami
47:00 : Topic #2 - FaZe house gets swatted
52:30 : “How many tenants do I need to make $3k / month?” - FreshUpdates
54:30 : xQc gets swatted LIVE
56:00 : Russians don’t give a F**K!!🔥😆
1:00:00 : Topic #3 - Nerd gets angry after his date put a roofie protector on her cup
1:02:00 : Topic #4 - Diddy put on su!c!de watch
1:08:00 : Myron shows ...